

Do you ever have moments where you are applying so much tension to something, and on another end it doesn’t seem to budge? For example when something is stuck, you keep pulling and pulling at it but it won’t budge.

Life is always throwing scenarios at us and I tend to see these moments as tests for practicing patience. I find this example, literally or figuratively, is very prevalent in many aspects of my life. From conversations, to situations, patience is something I have found myself practicing a lot more lately.

We cannot control what happens to us, however, what we can control is how we react to things. Life will always throw curve-balls at us, and I believe it’s our character that will shine in the way that we react to these certain situations.

I am learning, the more I go with the flow, without applying tension or practicing impatience; mundane tasks such as sitting in traffic, or even waiting in a long line at the grocery store become more enjoyable.

The more I practice living presently, life truly flips upside down, in a good way of course. Life is but a roller coaster. I believe being able to find strength in moments amidst distress is a skill many can acquire by practice. What fun is life if we are always yearning for the rush, and fastest way out?

In essence, patience is a quality that can enhance many aspects of ones life. After all,”There are no traffic jams along the extra mile” – Roger Staubach


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